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Harvest Assembly

Date: 10th Oct 2014 @ 3:13pm

21/10/14 Harvest

I was so impressed with the facts that Yr 6 gave us today that I have bought my Xmas cards from UNICEF; very moving facts. Year 5 have made me check my lunch box so that I am getting 5 a day. Wonderful singing and great speaking well done to everyone in the Upper School a fabulous Harvest Assembly. Thank you to everyone for your generous gifts which will make all the difference to the people who are homeless in Watford.

Mrs Shepherd

10/10/14 Playground

I hope you are enjoying the new playground surface, it makes me feel cheerful every morning when I go outside. Thank you to the HSA for their contribution, we are looking for new members, so if you are interested in joining the committee pop in to school or email us and let us know. You will be most welcome.

A bench was put out in the Year 3 area in memory of Lara P. The idea came from the Year 3 pupils. Feel free to visit it or sit on it.

I am looking forward to meeting you at Parents' Evening next Tuesday,14th  October.

Mrs Shepherd



Hillside Junior School, Northwood Way, Northwood, Middlesex HA6 1RX