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Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mr Johns

Mrs Thwaites

Mrs Mason


Welcome to Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 class page!

Here you will you find information, photos, news and updates about what we get up to in Year 6. Please see below for information about our year group and general information:



Children should arrive in school for 8.35am in time for registration at 8.40am. School starts promptly at this time and lateness does impact on pupil learning. School finishes at 3.20pm. Children must be collected from the main playground.


School Uniform

School uniform identifies the children as part of the school community and children should take pride in their appearance. Full school uniform should be worn at all times and we appreciate parent/carer cooperation with this. School uniform consists of:

- a white shirt (not polo shirt)

- a school tie (red/grey)

- red sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo

- grey or black trousers, shorts, pinafore or skirt

- black school shoes

- red gingham dress (summer)

*All items should be clearly named.



PE in Year 6 takes place on a Wednesday. On that day, children must attend school in their full school PE kit. This is:

red sports shorts (no Bermuda or cycling shorts)

a white t-shirt with school logo

a plain black tracksuit (no logos) for colder weather

plain trainers

Leggings are not permitted unless under PE shorts for religious reasons.

Hair must be tied back at all times once it reaches shoulder length.

Nail varnish must also be removed.

For more detail on uniform, please go to the School Uniform tab under Parental Information.


Things to bring:

Please ensure children come to school with a named water bottle and a coat as the weather continues to be unpredictable. Children are not required to bring stationery in from home as the school will provide what is needed. Anything brought from home is brought in at the risk of the individual.



Bedrock - Vocabulary: 50 minutes per week or 10 lessons. Grammar: 1 lesson per week

Monday: Maths

Tuesday: Maths

Wednesday: Reading Comprehension

Thursday: GPS

Friday: No homework

Most homework is available to view on Google Classroom except for spellings, handwriting and any other practical tasks.

Homework Club is available to year 6 children every day in the ICT suite.

Please see our Home Learning policy for more information.


If you are able to accompany us on any of our planned visits, please show your interest by contacting the school office. You will be required to have valid DBS check (please speak to the school office).

Houses Of Parliament: History (Suffragettes)

Hogs Back : SMSC, core values

Brunel University - Citizenship trip: PSHE SMSC

Northwood Synagogue : History, RE, SMSC, core values

Residential- Kingswood Green Park : PE- OAA, SMSC, core values

Chessington World of Adventures : SMSC, core values

Ruislip Lido : core values, SMSC

Files to Download

Year 6: News items

Year 6: Calendar items

Hillside Junior School, Northwood Way, Northwood, Middlesex HA6 1RX